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Official Opening and Blessing Ceremony Wrap!


Thursday 30th of March saw nearly 200 guests gather on the lawns at Compass Catholic Community, as we celebrated our Official Opening and Blessing Ceremony.

It was a pleasure to welcome so many special guests to our community, all of whom have played a role in our journey so far.

Special guests included Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, the Hon Blair Boyer MP (Minister for Education, Training and Skills), Professor Denis Ralph (Chair of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools), Dr Neil McGoran (Director of Catholic Education South Australia), the Hon Nick Champion MP (Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Planning and Member for Taylor), Tony Piccolo MP (Member for Light), City of Playford Councillor Marilyn Baker, Compass Inaugural Board Chair Mr John Mula OAM and the Compass Advisory Board.

Compass Champion Fr Philip Marshall was sadly unable to attend but passed on special wishes, prayers and blessings from overseas.

Students Justine, Kyle and Tizzy led the Acknowledgement of Country to commence the event, before the little people from Compass’ Early Years Hub participated in the procession, bringing forward items of significance from the community to be blessed by Archbishop O’Regan.

Compass inaugural Principal Kelly Bunyon then warmly welcomed all guests before inviting Archbishop O’Regan to begin the Blessing Ceremony, a beautiful service that truly honoured everything that Compass Catholic Community is.

After proceeding through the buildings to bless the many rooms of Compass, Archbishop O’Regan returned to conclude the ceremony, before Professor Denis Ralph and the Hon Blair Boyer MP respectfully delivered rousing speeches and together unveiled the commemorative plaque to recognise the official opening of Compass Catholic Community.

Guests were then invited to tour the Learning Hub, Kitchen Hub and Early Years Hub, where students had crafted wonderful displays and activity stations, showcasing their achievements, goals and aspirations to the many inspired guests. They were then treated to refreshments in the dining space of the Kitchen Hub, that were carefully prepared and served by students.

Compass would like to extend a special thank you to the many people who contributed to not only the event but to those who have played a part our amazing community coming to life!

Special Thanks to...

  • Archbishop Patrick O’Regan, and all our esteemed guests for honouring us at the Official Opening and Blessing Ceremony
  • Hannah Yates for blessing us with music on the day
  • Dr Jill Gowdie for her assistance to coordinate the event
  • dwp Hardy Milazzo for the gorgeous design of our spaces
  • BADGE Constructions for the beautiful work on our buildings
  • The Vision for the North Steering Committee, South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools and all at Catholic Education South Australia for their support of our community


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